Ultra Monthly Podcast
A Retrospective podcast discussing the 1990's Malibu Comics super hero universe, ULTRAVERSE! Hosts Marc and Jeff discuss all things Ultraverse including comic series recaps, Ultraverse in other mediums, and news releases from the greater Ultraverse fan community. Each show contains various segments for discussion like Newswatch (current events), Ultra Bucks (collection expansions), Up Close (interviews) and Slings & Arrows (emails). So Jump On Now and subscribe to the Ultra Monthly Podcast.
Ultra Monthly Podcast
UMP Ep. 52 - Putting the UM in UMP
Ultra Monthly Podcast
Episode 52
On Putting the UM in UMP, host Marc Truex rambles on about all things Ultraverse while diving into Malibu Comics' in-universe trade magazine, Ultra Monthly - the namesake of this very podcast! Revel in the ultra-dirt you've been seeking, get behind the scenes access to your favorite ultra-celebs, and get ready to stack them Ultra Bucks! Plus, find out about Digital Trading Cards, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's bizarre homage, and how Al Baker is the devil... THE DEVIL?! JUMP ON NOW and send in an email to ultramonthlypodcast@gmail.com to have your letter read on the Slings & Arrows segment of the podcast.
For links discussed in this episode, check out:
- ScreenRant Article: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia's NIGHTMAN Is Official Marvel Canon